Finding Inspiration From The Outdoors!
Hello, how are you doing today? Are you having a good week?
I’d love to spend a few minutes with you today simply encouraging you! What are you dreaming about these days? Do you have time in your day to dream? Spring is such a season of inspiration, so today I want you to bring a little bit of that inspiration inside so you can see it as you go about your work!

Are Forsythia’s blooming in your yard? These long stems look beautiful clustered together in a tall cylinder vase. How about Queen Anne’s lace or Hydrangeas? Try bundling them together in a vase placed on the center of your table. Whatever you have growing around you, the point is, go outside today and pick some flowers that will bring beauty and inspiration to your day! My daughter in law, Sara, tells me that she used to do this as a young child! She filled every one of her Mom’s vases with wild flowers whenever she had that chance, simply because it made her happy! She still enjoys doing that today in her own home! Daffodils are peeking their heads out of the ground with the prettiest yellow blooms. I think these are my favorite!

Now, I want you to make a list of tasks that need to happen in your day. Take time to prioritize and figure out what’s most important. Also look for things that you can take off your list. What can you let go of today, so you can find a few minutes to rest, to dream, to pray? If you are building and growing a business, you still need to find time to do these things! Working from home can present such a challenge because you don’t ever leave work! All good business ideas start with a dream and a burst of inspiration! Today you may be dreaming about the people in your life. If you are a Mom, your dreams may involve guiding and shaping the children under your care so they thrive and flourish. As a spouse, you may be longing for a closer marriage and deeper friendship with your significant other. Whatever is on your heart today, I pray that you will look for inspiration outside your window, and take time to slow down, focus on what’s important and follow your dreams.
Ladybug Wreaths Began as a dream that God Placed in My Heart…
He equipped me with the talent, passion and desire to share my wreaths with the world! After lots and lots of hard work and nights spent dreaming up ideas, I’m experiencing the joy of a thriving business and the fruit of my hard work! My story can be your story too! Let me share it with you today! Let me teach you a hobby you will fall in love with. Or, let me help you develop this hobby, you may already have but need a little more training, to really enjoy the benefits of a full fledged business. For supplies just like I use, you can find them at:
I Love Cherry Blossoms!
We are Enjoying our Spring Workshops